
Walls Going Up

We started off the week getting gravel delivered and spread between the containers. 

Dumping gravel between boxes

It took most of the day to spread the gravel and get it more or less level. But levelling it out provided a firm base for the scissor lift.

Gravel levelled & graded

The next step was to glue & bolt some 2×6’s to the edge of the container and erect the side walls.

First wall going up.
After erecting the sidewalls, the trusses go up.

Trusses up!

The next step will be to add extensions to the trusses out to another wall on the outside of the containers. The roof should extend beyond the containers by a foot or two.  The next step after that is to cover the roof with 4’x8′ sheets of stranded board and then with metal roofing.

Starting to take shape

While they were erecting the trusses, I was in Portland doing closing on the condo. I had signed all the paperwork a couple of days previously, but decided to fly back to Portland just to be sure. As it turned out it was needed. The original deed was issued to the family trust and the title company needed a copy of the Trust Document as well as Lindsay’s Death Certificate.  Ultimately the sale went through and the Trust Company paid out the proceeds on Friday afternoon.  I cleared enough to allow me to pay off the land loan and finance the initial stages of construction.

I flew back on Saturday morning. 

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