
Voluntary Waiver of HIPPA

For those of you interested in the state of my health, I have just returned from my doctor’s appointment. One of the key findings is that my measurement of A1C is 6.5. This is concerning, but is most probably related to my weight, currently 254 lbs. Losing 15-20 lbs would probably have much the same effect as Jan 2017 in the chart below.

For historical interest here are my recent measurements of A1C.

A1C measurements

Most of the other concerns (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, PSA) will be determined by the blood panels.

In other news Dr. White went through with the usual questions/answers for depression, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, breathing issues, joint pain, edema, etc., etc.

Overall, her assessment is that, with a couple of exceptions (FAT!) I am in remarkedly good shape for my age. She would like to see me walk more and eat less (and include more fruits & vegetables).

She also did a quick check and there is one mole/lesion on my back that she wants to do a precancerous/cancer screening of next week.

In related news, I haven’t been back to Chili’s since the Monday Grand Opening this week. I expect to be able to get by with weekly periodicity or two weeks going forward.

3 replies on “Voluntary Waiver of HIPPA”

That’s really good news. Now you need to gind some way to eat some fruit every day….and as Jonathon pointed out…orange juice (or any other fruit juice) does NOT count. It is fine to buy it pre-cut if that makes it more likely for you to eat it. Same goes for vegetables…..just find ones you like and eat them. Love you!!!!!

Glad you got checked out and can take any necessary steps to make improvements. Now post some house update photos

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