
Becoming Somewhat Clearer

 I met with the Planning Dept and the Building Dept of Natrona County yesterday and things are starting to take shape.  Thus far, I have had the property surveyed and the percolation test of the lot done. So far I see the following tasks as needing to be done:

1. Close on the property. Until it is properly mine I don’t want to sink a lot of time/money into it. Immediately after closure submit permit to county to use the two Conex boxes as storage units. (Previous owner did not do so and that is required)

2. Apply to the Wyoming State Engineer for APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE GROUND WATER to drill a well and use up to 25gallons per minute for Domestic Use. I think the proper land description is NE¼ of the NE¼ of Section 33, Township 34 North, Range 78 West, 6th Principal Meridian of Natrona Wyoming.

3. Get the well drilled. A neighbor warned me that I’ll probably need to drill down 400′ go get good water (at $34. per foot).  Once the well head is in, I will build a 8×12 foot shed to insulate the well and provide space for eventual solar power installation, and run power to it.

4. Once the well head location is determined, install a septic tank and leach field (greater than 100 ft from the well head).  While that is progressing, I can layout and pour/get poured, the concrete pad for the trailer. I want to build a shed roof over the trailer to reduce heat gain in the summer and provide rainwater catchment. Finally move the trailer on the pad and hook up power, water, and septic system. Once that is done I can get an Occupancy Permit and get address assigned and move in as desired. 

5. I would like to get this done, but time really isn’t critical. I have an apartment lease through the end of the year so I can take my time. 

In other news I have decided to sell my condo in Portland. I am planning to go back in late July to babysit cats while the girls go camping and I may bring Charlotte back for a working vacation.  I will bring back any thing that I am wanting to keep (actually not that much) and have been talking to Jen & Kate about managing the disposal of most of the interior for a reasonable cut of my profits. 

I figure I will still visit the girls once a quarter or so, but for a fraction of what the condo is costing me I can stay in a really nice Residence Inn by Marriott.  This will also free up considerable funds for further development of the Wyoming property.


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