
Arrrgh – U-Haul Problems

 I got a call from U-Haul today. He apologized but didn’t have the hitch to install on my car on Monday afternoon. He will try calling his vendors on Monday to try expediting the shipment. I explained my schedule, noting I was supposed to pick up the trailer on Thursday at 10:00am and leaving that afternoon. 

We discussed the options and he rescheduled the install at 7:00am on Thursday (to ensure I had the spot reserved). He said he would also check around for any U-Haul locations that could overnight him the parts if needed. If it is at all possible he will get the hitch installed in time to pick up the trailer. 

The girls happened to be over here to hear so we discussed options. One option would be to pare down what I was taking this trip to essentials that would fit in the car. Since I’m coming back the first of May in conjunction with our trip to Disneyland, I would plan on making another load with trailer then. That would work, and is only a month’s delay.

Along with the issues with ordering the washer/dryer combo (see edit below) it seems like for every two or three steps forward, there’s one step back.

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